钢铁帝国 发表于 2022-9-27 14:49

Hamano Ayumu 设计师作品:12cm 小猫女巫 Mahonii

Hamano Ayumu
Hamano Ayumu is figure designer, sculptor and artist living in Japan. Her beautiful 3D works created from her unique sensibilities are acclaimed all over various social networks all around the world.
This time, she is fully prepared to make her original work into a soft vinyl figure.

This is Ayumu Hama.
This little witch called "Mahonii" is a "super strong" kitten full of my favorite things.
I will do everything in my own power to create "Mahonii".
Please use Kitten Witch as your own guardian, she will not forgive those who disturb you.

Matterial: Soft Vinyl(PVC)
Size: H12cm
商品名: こねこウィッチ まほにぃ/ Kitten witch MAHONII

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查看完整版本: Hamano Ayumu 设计师作品:12cm 小猫女巫 Mahonii