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[影视潮流成品] Michael Crawford 开箱:STAR ACE TOYS 39cm 猩球崛起 Caesar 凯撒 雕像 - 长矛版

发表于 2021-10-5 19:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BBICN 上海旗舰淘宝店
Review of Caesar on Horseback - Planet of the Apes
Vinyl Sixth Scale Statue

Star Ace
Date Published: 2021-10-04
Written By: Michael Crawford

Too often we hear the whine that 'remakes suck', ignoring the ton of excellent remakes, and some of them (like The Maltese Falcon) are not just better than the original, but some of the best movies ever produced.

When they announced the remake of the Planet of the Apes (and technically it's not a remake, but a re-adaptation of the book), there was much of this whining. There was some basis for trepidation, as it had already been attempted by Tim Burton and was a huge failure. As a serious fan of the original movies, I was interested to see what direction they would take in a modern age.

And I was not disappointed. The three films are excellent, and using the same basic premise, tell a very different but compelling modern story.

However, the ape characters - done much more realistically than in the classic version - don't make for quite as good of collectibles. It's sort of like doing a Bruce from Jaws. You can pay all that money for the license, make an expensive collectible, and most people will see it and say 'hey, cool shark!'. It might even be worse with the new Apes films, because you can do all that and they'll say 'Sweet monkey, dude!'.

But a few companies have released some nice stuff, including Star Ace. They have just released a sixth scale vinyl statue of Caesar on horseback, a classic look from the second film Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The statue comes in two versions: you can have him holding a spear in his right hand, or wearing a gun on his back. Both versions sell for around $300.

Review and photos of Caesar and Horse Planet of the Apes vinyl statue - 10.jpg

Review and photos of Caesar and Horse Planet of the Apes vinyl statue - 9.jpg

Review and photos of Caesar and Horse Planet of the Apes vinyl statue - 8.jpg

Review and photos of Caesar and Horse Planet of the Apes vinyl statue - 7.jpg

Review and photos of Caesar and Horse Planet of the Apes vinyl statue - 6.jpg

Review and photos of Caesar and Horse Planet of the Apes vinyl statue - 5.jpg

Review and photos of Caesar and Horse Planet of the Apes vinyl statue - 4.jpg

Review and photos of Caesar and Horse Planet of the Apes vinyl statue - 3.jpg

Review and photos of Caesar and Horse Planet of the Apes vinyl statue - 2.jpg

Review and photos of Caesar and Horse Planet of the Apes vinyl statue - 1.jpg

上一篇:【多人开箱】HOTTOYS:《漫威蜘蛛侠》 迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯(VGM46)
下一篇:【武哥分享】都可以考古了~TBLeague天神荷鲁斯 银色版 开箱分享
 楼主| 发表于 2021-10-5 19:21 | 显示全部楼层



STAR ACE TOYS:39cm 猩球崛起 Caesar 凯撒 雕像 - 长矛版 & 长鎗版 & 黑马

(出处: 兵人在线BBICN)

我要说一句 收起回复
发表于 2021-10-5 21:45 手机 | 显示全部楼层
我要说一句 收起回复
发表于 2021-10-8 02:24 | 显示全部楼层
大货还是稍微差点  不过这么小比例做的还不错了
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